To serve as subject matter witness experts and investigators, the Castaneda Law Firm employs federal sentencing experts; weapons experts; cryptocurrency space experts; and retired federal law enforcement Special Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS); and Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Private Investigators

A private investigator is an experienced individual who helps clients resolve issues through investigatory tools and tactical experience. The Castaneda Law Firm employs experts including retired federal agents to advise our clients of the steps taken in federal investigations and provide feedback and advice regarding legal options. 

The United States government funds the training of operators and federal agents over the course of their lengthy careers. They are taught investigative tools including:

  • how to conduct surveillance and undercover operations;

  • the means and methods of interrogations and questioning;

  • how to obtain evidence through wire taps, pen traps, and voice recordings;

  • searches and seizures;

  • DNA and fingerprint collection;

  • photographs, video, and voice recordings;

  • counterintelligence;

  • clandestine operations;

  • subpoena of bank statements, financial records, and business records;

  • how to draft affidavits and sworn statements used in prosecution;

  • how to testify at grand jury and in federal court;

  • how to “flip” someone for cooperation and substantial assistance.

They gain the knowledge and experience necessary to investigate cases that often lead to federal charges. 

The Castaneda Law Firm uses their knowledge and experience to help you. An investigator scrutinizes your case from start to finish and can pinpoint legal and evidentiary issues you may want to challenge. They can highlight mistakes and errors in your case. If you choose to cooperate, they can advise you of the tools and tactics used during proffers. 

If you choose to take your case to trial, they can assist at trial and identify the government’s likely strategy for conviction.  

If you have not been charged with a federal crime but are under investigation, our experts can advise you of the options you may have to avoid being charged with a crime. 

Expert Witness

What is an expert witness?

An expert witness is someone who is an expert in their field or area of knowledge that testifies at trial regarding a specific issue. For example, a drug expert can testify regarding an improper chain of custody for cocaine and challenge its use at trial or a financial expert can testify in your favor about the spending habits and classification of spending in a money laundering case. Expert witnesses can also be used in plea agreement negotiations and at sentencing. 

With our domestic and international network, the Castaneda Law Firm can identify the best-aligned expert witness for your case. 

Let our investigators’ and experts’ experience work for you. 
Contact us today to discuss your options.